A Perfect Fit

Not only is it a new season for Livie & Luca, it is also a brand new fit for our baby line!

Last fall, we received a ton of useful feedback from customers about the sizing of our baby shoes. Most of you felt that the shoes were a tiny bit too wide for your babe’s feet and so we decided to do some additional fit testing on our local Bay Area kidlets!

baby pio pios which are slightly too wide for this baby's feet.

baby pio pios which are slightly too wide for this baby’s feet.


After sizing each of our shoes with a troupe of super cute babies, we realized that our customers were right (of course you were!) – the shoes were fitting a little wide. We got very handy with our tape measures and came up with what we feel is now a great fit for our baby shoes.


SP13 Baby fit revisions_china

adjusting the measurements is a process!


SP13 Baby fit revisions_china




the new fit!


All of our baby shoes are 5mm narrower in the toe box area and 3mm narrower on the sides. This still gives room for our wider-footed babies, and a snugger fit for our narrow-footed babies. We also adjusted the length so that it falls closer in line with other baby shoes.

We think it’s a pretty perfect fit, but as always, feedback is welcome!


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